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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Effect of customer preparation on visitors’ experience, satisfaction and engagement

Published: May 27, 2020


Carmen Perez-Cabañero, Universitat de Valencia; Luisa Andreu, University of Valencia; Enrique Bigne, Universitat de Valencia


theme parks; experience; engagement


This study analyses how the preparation of a visit to an animal theme park in terms of information search can influence the visitor’s co-creation, experience, his/her positive emotions, satisfaction and engagement. Data were collected from personal interviews conducted to a sample of 202 visitors right after finishing their visit to a well-known regional animal theme park. Structural equation modelling offers evidence of the positive impact of information search on visitors’ co-creation, experience and positive emotions, which in turn impact on visitors’ satisfaction and engagement. Consequently, theme park managers should increase the information available in different media for potential visitors who may search before their actual visit. Besides, managers should design sensorial experiences to impact positively on visitors’ satisfaction and engagement.